LIS 390W1A - Quiz 2


Answer all questions except #6 in a text editor of your choosing. Then copy and paste answers into an email and send it to

Draw the tree diagram for #6 on a sheet of paper and turn it in once time is up. (You may use a drawing program if one is available on the computer you are using, but it will probably take too long, so I recommend using paper.)

This quiz is worth 50 points.

Question 1 (6 points)

Describe how web pages should be written to improve readability by referring to at least 3 specific guidelines mentioned by Jakob Nielsen in the readings we had for class.

Question 2 (8 points)

Sort the following HTML tags into two categories: procedural markup and descriptive/structural markup.

a, b, br, dd, div, em, font, h1, h2, head, i, img, li, p, title, ul

Your answer should probably look something like:

Procedural Markup:

Descriptive Markup:

Question 3 (9 points)

Briefly describe the difference between procedural and descriptive markup.

Question 4 (6 points)

Give three (3) reasons why you should write your HTML code to validate against a particular standard.

Question 5 (8 points)

Write the HTML which corresponds to this diagram. Your answer does not need to be well-formed XHTML.

tree diagram for question 5

Question 6 (8 points)

Draw a tree diagram which corresponds to this HTML:

        <li>Shopping List
        <li>To Do List
                <li>Grade Labs</li>


Question 7 (5 points)

Debug the following HTML, correct it so that it is well-formed under XHTML 1.0. (Hint: there is a problem with each list item in the list)


        <a href=""><li></a></li>

        <li>Tom shops at <a href=""></li></a>

        <li><img src="test_image.jpg"></li>

        <li>Last one
