LIS 390W1A - Lab 10: Writing for the Web

Writing and Evaluating Websites

Pick a topic, something you are interested in - like a band, actor, movie, videogame, etc. Do some searching online to find some websites about this topic. Select what you think are the top 2-3 pages/sites about this topic. Read and review each of these sites. Evaluate them using some "web site evaluation" schemes.

Here are some (in no particular order):

Create a web page (or multiple web pages if you choose) that is an essay that evaluates each page according to the evaluation scheme you have selected. Follow Nielsen's criterion for writing on the web, and provide links to both the evaluation criterion you used, and each of the websites you evaluate. If you reference any other material, provide links to those as well. In the essay, be sure to introduce the topic of the sites you are evaluating and explain the evaluation scheme you've chosen. Conclude with a critique of the evaluation scheme you have chosen. What did you think of the evaluation scheme? Was it too restrictive? Did it miss important aspects of the quality of the websites? How well did it apply to the genre of web page you were evaluating? Do you have any recommendations to other people who might use that evaluation scheme?


To submit this assignment, write up your answers in valid XHTML with the appropriate headers and footer information, upload it to the GSLIS I: Drive, and send me a URL (again, feel free to use the generic HTML page and its accompanying stylesheet as a template).

Grading Criteria

Out of 50 points total.

  • General presentation/structure/coherence: 30 points
  • Application of the evaluation criteria: 20 points
    • 10 points for applying it correctly
    • 10 points for demonstration of a general understanding of the evaluation criteria

Extra Credit

Are you unsatisfied with the evaluation criteria on the web? Do you think you can do better? Then design your own evaluation criteria for websites. Please include references to all the criteria you borrowed from, as well as a discussion of why you chose those criteria, why you chose to keep what you kept, why you chose to discard what you discarded, and why you added what you did.