LIS 390W1A - Lab 11: More CSS


For this lab, I'd like you all to work on your personal website assignment.

Please write at least one page of HTML, complete with validation links, that validates as CSS and HTML, and then write an external stylesheet to style the page. Play with the styles, and send me a page that both has interesting content, and which you think looks really good. This does not have to be the final draft of the page that you turn in. Feel free to change it later, when you are working on the full assignment. But use this as an opportunity to create something you like, and something which (a) demonstrates your expertise in styling, and (b) is a page where you try out new things. Please make the page using relative positioning so that it flows to fit the size of the browser being used. If you want to change this later, that's fine, but use this assignment as a means to build your relative positioning skills.

Because CSS 3 is massive and complicated, t is impossible to teach all of CSS in the span of a course like this one, so we will not be covering huge chunks of CSS in the class. However, what we are covering is how to teach yourself CSS by using resources on the web. Therefore, as you work on this lab, think about cool things you have seen in websites that you'd like to do for your own site, and try them out on this page. You don't need to keep them for what you turn in for your personal website assignment. But do keep track of what you tried, where you ran into trouble, and how you figured it out. As part of the write-up for this lab, please include an list of things you would like to learn, explore, or get feedback on in class when we revisit CSS in the future.


To turn in your assignment, please post it to the Personal Webpage Assignment Forum, and in your forum post, give a 250-1000 word summary of what you did, why you made the CSS decisions which you did, and what new CSS commands you utilized while completing this assignment.

This way your fellow students can see what you've done, and get some ideas for their own pages. Please feel free to comment on other people's pages, ask them how they did something, etc. And please ask me for help.

Grading Criteria

Out of 30 points total.

  • HTML validation (link + successful validation): 5 points
  • CSS validation (link + successful validation): 5 points
  • CSS styling that creates an interesting-looking page: 5 points
  • Using relative CSS styling and CSS styles that you did not try before: 5 points
  • Interesting and well written content: 5 points
  • Annotated list of CSS techniques to learn or review in class: 5 points