LIS 390W1A - Lab 14: Paper Prototyping


In class today we will be creating and testing paper prototypes for your final project.

Your task is to iterate through 4 versions of your design, starting in class, and finishing at home. After you create each version of your design, you will need to test it out with other people in the class. Walk them through the prototype, see what links they "click", watch when they get confused, etc.


Using HTML & CSS, write a 500 - 2000 word initial design rationale based on your experience with the prototype that explains how your design progressed over time, what changes you made, why you made them, etc.

What is a Design Rationale?

A design rationale is a document accompanying a design explaining what you did and why. It can be quite difficult to write if you have never done one before, but it is almost always really easy to do verbally. It really tries to answer questions like: "So tell me about your project. Tell me what you did. But why did you do that? What were you trying to do there? Why did you think that the old way needed improving?".

It does not have to be formal, but it does have to be clear. here is an example describing details of designing a dialogue box for a calendar application:

Example Design Rationale with pictures.

A possible template for a design rationale

There are many ways of writing a design rationale. If you like, try using this template. Remember you will need to re-use it as you go through successive versions or different parts of your design.

  • What I am trying to do?
  • Outline of the way it is typically done now and what I don't like about it.
  • The particular effects I'm trying to have

    (don't worry too much if you seem to have multiple conflicting goals - just list them all)

  • The list of things that make this hard to do
  • Possibilities and opportunities - the way that technologies may help, how technologies might be combined with each other, with resources, people, artifacts, information, location etc. to make things better.
  • What have I done so far? What did I try? Why did I try it? What happened when I tested it out? How did I revise my design? Rinse and repeat.
  • The one next thing I can do now to make progress.

Hopefully this last one keeps on getting updated as you progress through the final project, changing as you complete one next thing and then do another.

However, don't delete them as you make progress. Instead create a narrative of what you did, why you did it, what you learned about the design you were trying to create, the problems it solved or at least reduced and the new problems that emerged. This will help you with your Final Project Write-up.


To turn in your assignment, please upload your initial design rationale and scans of your paper prototypes to your GSLIS I: drive and post the links on the Final Project Forum.

Grading Criteria

Out of 25 points total.

  • Each version of paper prototype: 4 points
  • Clear Design Rationale: 8 points
  • Posted link on Final Project Forum: 1 point