I have recombined the Links and Course Technology pages into the Course Technologies & General Links page. It's a bit unwieldy, but I found myself forgetting on which page I had put certain links, so I figured it might be confusing for you as well.
I have made several significant updates to the website for the course. These include:
Also, TextWrangler has been installed on our classroom machines, so we'll be using that from now on.
While the class schedule may still switch around some, at this point, Weeks 1-9 are pretty much set, so if you want to read ahead, feel free to do so. Week 10 and thereafter may still be reorganized a bit. Also, the Website Evaluation Assignment and the Personal Website Assignment are set, so you may feel free to start working on them at any time.
Finally, please tell me about any inconsistencies in the website, and if there are any broken or mis-directed links. I have done my best to catch these when they occur, but I'm sure I have created some inadvertent errors.
Welcome to LIS 390W1A. This course syllabus (homepage) is still in the process of being modified. I'm still trying to balance the material, and thus I probably will still be rearranging the labs, possibly adding new ones, etc. Also, the end of the semester is still pretty flexible, so if you have suggestions for things you want to cover, please let me know.
The assignments and labs still do not have submissions proceedures. I understand this is important, but because GSLIS has recently been significantly changing its technological infrastructure, I am still in the process of evaluating competing options (and in trying to get some of them to work). Hopefully next week all the technical issues will have been taken care of.