LIS 390W1A - Lab 5: Decomposing URLs


You may wish to refer to the class readings to help complete this lab:

Question 1:

Parse this URL into the Scheme, Host, Port, and Path. Describe what each component is.

Question 2:

Parse this URL into the Scheme, Host, Port, and Path.

Question 3:

Create a URL for accessing the file depicted below. This file is being served by an ftp server running on port 3064. The server has the IP address

File Hierarchy 1

Question 4:

Create a URL for accessing the file depicted below. This file is being served by a web server running on port 80. The server has the host name

File Heirarchy 2


To submit this assignment upload it into either Netfiles or the GSLIS I: drive and then send me a URL.

Grading Criteria

Out of 25 points total.

  • Question 1: 10 points
  • Question 2-4: 5 points each (15 points total)