Note, this lab is highly dependent on materials that are primarily covered in class. To answer some of the questions may require a bit of internet searching if you missed class. I highly recommend making arrangements with your fellow students to catch up with what we cover in lectures that you miss.
The purpose of this lab is to understand the difference between procedural/presentational markup and descriptive/structural markup. As with any conceptual terms, different people have slightly different definitions of of these terms. However, here are some useful sources for understanding the differences, the first of which was required reading for class today:
There are many different kinds of markup. In this lab, we will be looking at a few different kinds of markup, and then answering a few questions about what we did.
First, let us look at HTML. Consider the following html:
The markup for this rendered HTML is as follows:
<dl> <dt>Definition List</dt> <dd>a list of definitions</dd> <dt>Ordered List</dt> <dd>a list of items where the order or sequence is important</dd> <dt>Unordered List</dt> <dd>a list of items where the order or sequence is either unimportant or of secondary importance</dd> </dl>
Draw a OHCO/DOM tree for this HTML. What kind of markup is HTML? What kind of markup is it trying to be?
Now, let's take a look at an example of presentational/procedural markup:
What do you see in the text editor? Is it useful? Is it even readable? How much of the difficulty is a result of the procedural nature of the markup? How much is for other reasons? What are those other reasons?
To submit this assignment, write up your textual answers in HTML, upload the HTML file into either Netfiles or the GSLIS I: drive and then send me a URL.
For your non-textual answers (i.e., the tree drawing for question 1), either submit a paper drawing at the beginning of next class, or use a drawing program (either something fancy, or you can just use Powerpoint) to create an image file which you include in your HTML, using the <img> tag.
Be sure to use the image tag properly: see the W3 Schools image tag page for more details. The W3 Schools site is very useful. See the Links page for more details on how to use this site effectively.
All image tags must use the "alt" attribute (i.e.,: <img src="my_drawing.png" alt="my tree diagram for question 1"></img>). Please do not use any attributes which are depreciated (see the W3 Schools image tag page for a list of attributes that includes information about whether they are depreciated).
Finally, be sure to include a DOCTYPE (document type) declaration:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
The following meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></meta>
And the following as your open HTML tag:
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
Out of 25 points total.