This tutorial is currently unfinished.
Basic Unix and Linux commands are identical, so for the purposes of this tutorial, no distinction will be made between the operating systems.
The first thing to know about linux is that it is a very powerful operating system, but most of the power can only be accessed via the command line.
- ls = list the files and directories in the current directory
- ls -a lists all files, including hidden files (files that start with a ".", e.g. ".hidden").
- ls -l lists files in the "long" format
- ls -p appends a "/" after each name in the file list that is actually the name of a directory.
- As with most commands, the options can be grouped together (i.e., ls -al).
- cd = change directory.
- Usage: "cd directory_name"
- cd .. changes directory up a level
- pwd = show current path.
- man = show manual page for specified command
- Usage: "man command_name"